3 Must-Know Cybersecurity Terms Every Business Owner Needs To Know

Cyberspace is a rapidly evolving environment, with new business cyber security terms and concepts being introduced on an almost daily basis. It can be hard to keep up, but staying informed is important.

To help you get up to speed, take a look at some of the most common business cybersecurity terms you need to know about. 

Access Control

Access control is a business cyber security term that refers to the procedures and systems used to manage user access. It is designed to provide users with only the level of access they need to do their job and prevent unauthorized access.

Access control is based on a set of rules that define who can access what, when, and how. For example, an access control system might allow an employee to view certain documents but not edit or delete them. The goal is to protect business data from unauthorized access, as well as to help business owners maintain compliance with applicable regulations.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Data loss prevention is an important business cyber security term that refers to the strategies used to prevent business data from being lost, stolen, or leaked. It is an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of tools and processes designed to protect business data, including encryption, authentication, and access control systems.

Data loss prevention helps business owners maintain compliance with applicable regulations and understand the potential risks associated with business data and how they can protect it from falling into the wrong hands.

For example, encryption is an important tool in data loss prevention, as it prevents business data from being read by unauthorized individuals. It is basically a way to "lock" business data so that it can only be accessed by those with the proper credentials.


Phishing is a business cyber security term that describes a type of attack where malicious persons attempt to trick users into providing sensitive information or clicking on malicious links. These attacks often take the form of emails, text messages, or other forms of communication that appear legitimate.

These attacks aim to gain access to business data and systems, so it is important to be aware of phishing threats. Businesses should employ measures such as email filtering and user training to help protect against phishing attacks.

Being aware of these business cyber security terms is essential for staying ahead in the game. With a better understanding of business cyber security, businesses can be more proactive in defending themselves against existing and emerging threats. Doing so will help ensure that business data systems remain secure and safe. 

Contact a cyber security provider to learn more. 
