I live in a state that has the advantage of a lot of sunshine throughout the year. Recently, many companies have started to use more environmentally friendly technology to harness the power of the sun and turn it into an energy source! One of the ways to do this is through the use of 280 watt solar panels. There is a field near my house that was owned by the electrical company and they have placed at least 100 of the 280 watt solar panels in the field. While the solar panels are not very cheap, they easily pay for themselves with the amount of energy that they produce in just a few years.
Some energy sources can be very expensive and also harmful for the environment so it is no wonder that more and more people and businesses are looking towards more environmentally friendly options. Many businesses are choosing to build more green buildings. These are buildings that have solar panels that warm the building throughout the day or that use products that don't take as much energy to use and they use building materials that are made up of natural products and not synthetic. It is a growing trend to use the environment to help us instead of harming the environment with energy uses.